Wednesday 13 October 2010

Introduction to horror

This year for A2 Media Studies, we are going to be creating a teaser trailer of a horror movie. As well as a movie magazine cover and a movie poster. Our group consists of four members, all of which play a different role in making our trailer.

Pentagram - Goat of Mendes.

Horror Films are movies that provoke emotions such as fear from the audiences. Often they use scenes that deal with the human subconscience so that even if we appear not to be frightened it is always in your mind afterward.

Horror films are based around situations that make the viewers uncomfortable, mainly by how grotesque and taboo they appear. The majority of Horror films are based around the supernatural, something that is a unkown to us. Other genres and themes could/are based around serial killers, a disease/virus and/or the surrealism of the characters world.

Most plots within the horror genre involve the intrusion of an evil supernatural force, event, or personage, commonly of supernatural origin, into the everyday world.
Other conventional creatures for horror movies are:- ghosts (The Grudge), werewolves (Wolf Man), satanism (The Devil Rides Out), demons (Paranormal Activity), Vampires (Dracula, Nosferatu), cannibals(Silence of the Lambs), Mummy (... The Mummy), Zombies (Shuan of the Dead) and serial killers (Scream).

As we move from genereation to generation the definition of horror changes. From the man made montrosity to the supernatural plane of exsistance.

Make Up Design (Hand)

These are the firsts attempts we made at trying to create a hand that was terrifying but also very realistic. Like many of the disembodied limbs of a antagonist we have made it/them white, made sure that the hand had long fingernails and that the you could clearly see wrinkles


Below are some posters designed by Andy
(click to enlarge)

Poster Designs