Monday 13 December 2010

First day of filming

We filmed in the LRC for an hour and a half, Hayley acted as the camera operator, Andy set up the lights and dimmed/brightened them where necessary, Swarica was the main actress, and I (Thuy) was the director and an extra with Andy.

Whilst filming we encountered a few difficulties and had to find our way around it. For example we had a problem with the lighting which is very dark in the LRC, therefore we had to use alot of lights to make the scene brighter, this was done mainly by Andy who had to carry the lights to different locations for our series of shots. Some of our shots had the light in it and so after watching it over we had to reshoot them, however this has given us a better perspective on how to do different shots and given us insight in how to solve common problems when filming.

Other problems we came across were simply practical errors where Andy's foot was caught in the shot of the door opening and closing by itself. My hand was also caught in the shot and so we had to reshoot the door a couple of times before we were happy with what we got.

During shooting however we did learn not to look at the camera (Swarica) until the director has said the shot is finished. We learnt about the importance of lighting and it's placement within a scene, and how to effectively light a shot to give it the right feel. We did shoot according to our shooting script which did help to speed up the process as we only had a limited amount of time in the LRC.

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