Monday 7 February 2011

Evaluation Question 3

For our audience feedback I posted the video on YouTube and then posted it onto Facebook via the group we had created on it. Every member of the group posted the trailer onto their homepages and asked for their friend’s feedback too. I then collected all of the feedback from them and analysed them, the good and the bad. As well as the trailer, we also posted the poster and magazine cover on Facebook too and gathered the feedback. Our trailer was aimed at the age range of teenagers from the age of about 15 to 40-50 year olds, as this is the main age group who would enjoy horror films; from our audience research this was proven to be correct.
From the feedback on Facebook, friends commented on the shots used, and the quality of the editing and sound mainly. Many agreed that the first 20 seconds of the trailer used good shots, ranging from the establishing shot, reaction shot, and the use of placing the camera on the bookshelf and panning it to follow Swarica was especially good. Other positive comments were that the strobe effect editing was good, and was a convention of horror trailers, as well as the text font. Negative feedback was quite large in numbers; however it helped the group to see where we had gone wrong, how effective the trailer was and what we would change if we could do the project again. To begin with the trailer; people said that the music had ruined the effectiveness of the trailer as the editing of it wasn’t so good, others said that it had a ‘romantic’ feel because of the use of the guitar. However they liked the use of it to create a climax when Swarica was seen running down the corridor. YouTube users’ comments are all positive so far, one comment that stood out was from lynxnyx who said that it reminded them of a Japanese movie particularly the slit mouth lady. As we had followed the conventions of Japanese horrors such as The Grudge and The Ring this comment was much appreciated. The Grudge trailer was a huge influence upon our own and it was good to know that it stood out for the audience too.
If we could do the trailer again, I would personally change the music as I too believe that it is not that effective and doesn’t really fit in with the conventions of J-Horror. Originally a friend was going to make the music for us however because of time I had to eventually find copyright free music and add it myself. I would have also played around with the editing a bit more to find interesting techniques, although I did watch tutorials on how to create simple effects I believe it could have been done a lot better. Although the trailer received mixed reviews I personally believe that it could have been done much better, but is only something that could have been made to a level our group would be happy with if we had better time management.
The poster received mainly negative feedback, I filmed a couple of people standing in front of it pointing what they liked and disliked about it, they answered very honestly which was also helpful. To start they thought that the title of the film was placed badly, and should have been placed higher up and made much bigger. They also said that by making last and out in the LastOneOut title a grey colour made it hard to see what the title of the movie was from afar, and therefore made the poster much less effective in raising awareness of it. This bit of feedback was extremely useful as no on in the group had realised this until the poster had been printed. However they did like that the poster fit in with the conventions of horror posters, using minimal colours; black, white and grey, with Swarica in blue which made her stand out. People commented on the good use of low key lighting which light Swarica’s face well as her expression was important to catch attention, he also placed the credits and logos well. Hayley took the photo of Swarica which garnered the most positive feedback for being well lit and her expression was effective in looking scared. Aside from these comments people said it was quite plain compared to other posters which contained images of bloodied people, or special Photoshop effects, which I do agree with.
Taking into account the feedback from the poster I agree with the comments and would have changed everything that they commented on. I would have made the title larger and changed the colour to make it more visible, and also would have maybe put something in the background aside from the black background which isn’t that interesting to look at. -Thuy

In addition to the feedback that we acquired from use of sites such as Facebook and Youtube we also managed to compile several pieces of information by using a site called Survey Monkey. This gave us a huge advantage when we planned our teaser trailer as it asked people there opinions on what they liked and disliked in a horror movie; By doing this we managed to create a decent trailer and movie and posters. Though there were no negative or positive answers from the people that took the survey, I believe that without the information gathered we would not have been quite so structured in production or post production work.

I started a group on Face book for there to be a wider distribution of our group trailer. Few posts were put up and the people that we asked online were not cooperative, therefore i asked family and their colleagues to comment, watch and then like or dislike, though there were only four comments and one hundred views the feedback that we did get was very positive saying things such as 'It was very thought provoking master piece' or 'This reminds me of a Japanese movie, the way that it was filmed was a bit like some of the lower budget movies. I'm thinking of maybe the slit mouth woman or something like that.' The genre and the idea behind it seemed to agree with the audience even though they were slightly above the age range we were looking for.

When watching the class watch our movie i observed that what they seemed to like the most was the 'supposed' innocence of the protagonist (Swarica). They later informed our group that they were interested in the character because they wondered what she had done to the antagonist. They did not however like the surrounding area as much, or the music. I was very intrigued to find that they liked the trailer for the most part as i did not think it was a trailer up to standard and saw many flaws in it.

In regards to the teaser, if I had the chance to remake it i would start by finding better locations to film in, audience saying that for the time of day it was it would be illogical for a girl to be alone in a school building at night. I would also change the movie poster and magazine to be slightly more dramatic. I would have liked to have spent a little more time learning how to use photoshop to improve these two media products. - Swarica

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