Monday 27 September 2010

Swarica - Textual Analysis of Stay Alive Trailer

Teaser Trailer Textual Analysis
Stay Alive

Anchorage: The trailer gives us a fact after showing a CGI character die saying ‘There are 100 million Gamers in America.’ After one of the characters expresses that he Is impatient to play the game, the trailer goes on to say ‘One in Four is addicted.’ It then continues on after showing more clips to say ‘but what happens…’ leaving ellipsis to draw out the suspense ‘When the game you play…..’ ‘Begins playing you.’ This is all used to build up the audiences anticipation, it also make they apprehensive when thinking about video games as a whole.
Lighting: The lighting in all the clips is very dark; this depicts the upcoming dark situations. The only exception is from the natural high key lighting that comes from when they are outside. The lights in the scene flicker every time that the villain (ghost) appears to kill another victim. As it fades out of each clip the screen is darkened to help the build suspense during transitions. The victims always appear in a high key lighting scene before they are killed, as well as when they have revelations come to light about the games purpose and their lives.
NVC: In the beginning of the trailer the first mans face is solemn as though he has seen something that has made him question what he has been doing. Putting an actor with such a face suggests to the audience that the upcoming events will be very serious. In the next clip we see To men and a girl looking down at a game that we are inclined to believe had something to do with the man prior to the clip. They all have questioning faces as they try to recall if they have ever heard of the game before. Later another clip shows these same three and another few with anticipation clear on their faces, this obviously makes the audience question what could the game they are about to play be like. A demonic creature walks into the scene, you can tell that the creature is demonic by the way it elongates it’s face and is able to move it’s mandible out of it’s sockets in order to scream. This is a common used technique in horror movies; it is also very cheap CGI.
Setting: The trailer is taken in a variety of places such as: An office building, a house and an apartment. In the apartment, you get a quick glance of some Japanese anime posters; this further supports the story by suggesting that gamers are interested in cartoons and imaginary characters and lands. All the buildings in the movie have sharp and harsh angles to them so already subconsciously you are aware that a house or place is bad.
Costume: All the people wear clothing that is appropriate to what they are seen to be doing in the trailer. In the beginning of the trailer the man that is seen playing the game first is in his Pyjamas, this is logical as it appears to be night time at the beginning of the clip.

Sound and editing: The trailer sound is based purely on Foley sound effects to make the audience jump from fright. They use a lot of the conventional sounds eg. Lightning, the door slamming, screams from the victims and the villain, swoops and slices from the actual murders. Other sounds such as dialogue is as always telling the audience the story but not revealing to much about it. The editor has used a lot of quick cuts and fade in fade out transitions. In the first half of the trailer when the deaths are being committed a white and the red light flash very quickly over the screen as if to suggest that there is a lot of blood, or that it was a very gory death.

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