Monday 27 September 2010

Our Group (HATS)

Our group consists of four people, Hayley Wright-Mitchell, Andy Luc, Thuy Duong Le, and Swarica Goddard, therefore making HATS. After our group was decided we assigned ourselves separate roles in order to complete our horror trailer. Whilst assigning roles we took into consideration everybody's skills and how they would effect our work load. Therefore Hayley who is good with a camera and skilled at taking photos was made our camerawoman, Andy who also studies Graphic Design was made our visual effects guy, I am also studying Textiles so I was put in charge of costume design and make up, and Swarica who is particularly good at drawing made our story board and leading up from that became the director.

Andy Luc Swarica Goddard

Hayley Wright - Mitchell Thuy Duong Le

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