Tuesday 4 January 2011

Equipment: Purposes and costs

While filming our teaser trailer, we were abole to use three main pieces of equipment:

1. Camera

A camera is a device that records and stores images. A typical movie camera continously takes 24 film frames per second.

The model of camera which we used was a Canon...

2. Lights

Lighting is necessary to create an image exposure on a frame of film. The main purposes are:

a) Clarity of image. Viewers must be able to discern all of the important elements in a frame e.g. facial expressions, physical gestures, significant props, etc.

b) Atmosphere/Emotional effect. Lighting also contributes to the emotional response an audience has when watching the motion picture. It is a significant element of mise-en-scene.

3. A Tripod

Tripod generally refers to a three-legged object used as a platform. It prevents camera movement and provides stability. It is useful in achieving precise framing of the image. The head of the tripod allows free flowing movement.

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