Thursday 6 January 2011

Inspiration for our trailer - Scary Little Girls

Before we came up with the story line and plot for our trailer we first looked into other movies we had seen and drew up some ideas from them. We came to the conclusion that we wanted to do a supernatural thriller which involved a young girl murdering people in a college library because she died with a grudge. The first movies that came to mind were The Ring and The Grudge, two very popular and famous movies for the use of two scary young girls with long black hair and a white dress. We decided that in order for our trailer to be a success and to help the audience relate we made our own scary little girl in a white dress too.

Below are images of The Grudge Girl and The Ring Girl.

The 'scary little girl' movies such as the two mentioned above and others like R
osemary's baby, The Exorcist, The Shining and The Orphan. Generally the girls are of a relatively young age, and are either ghosts or being possessed by one. Why little girls are scary, you can't pinpoint but I believe that it is because when you see a little girl you think of them as being innocent and sweet, however in these movies they take on completely
different roles. Also children are frightening in the sense that you don't know what they are capable of and how far they would go, and when they do how beyond our expectations would it exceed?

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